Author Archives: Rick

20,000 Days and Counting

Here’s a peek into the next few weeks of posts on the blog.


I’ll be writing about the ideas in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.
Specifically these 7 questions.

7 Questions Guaranteed To Create Intensity In Your Day
1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?
2. What three things am I most grateful for today?
3. What memories am I going to create today?
4. What challenge am I going to overcome today?
5. What value am I going to create today?
6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?
7. What life changing decision(s) am I going to make today?
BONUS: What question am I not asking yet today?

If you want to read the book before I begin posting, hustle up and grab it here:

20,000 Days and Counting: The Crash Course for Mastering Your Life Right Now

It all begins November 11, 2015!

Three Hobbies

“Three hobbies? How in the world am I supposed to come up with three when I can’t even come up with one?”


Admit it. You said it too.

Well, if I take a look at the picture below, I guess I can create a wish list.

My knee jerk reaction is to say the first and third are hard, and the middle one is easy, but after about 3 seconds of thinking, I know better.

At 44 years old, finding a hobby to keep me in shape scares me to death. Sure, I can dream of being a triathlete. Swim, Bike, Run! And then I think about it. I don’t even want to start. The dream of being in shape is AWESOME! The reality…not so much.

If I began to exercise there would be numerous benefits. I know the facts and statistics. In fact, the dream of how great I’d look is frequently in my head.


Now what about the first and the third?

I know there are people “out there” who love their work so much it seems like a hobby. Sounds like fun. Is it you? At one time is was me. I hope to be that person again, soon.

As for the third, how many people do you know with a truly CREATIVE hobby? Think for a minute. Do you have a couple of people in mind? What is their creative hobby?


I know at least one person in the Gardening/Landscaping category combining all three “hobbies” very successfully. (I’d go work for him in an instant if my family would move to a certain North Eastern state.)

My question for you today: Do you have a hobby fitting one or more of these categories?
I don’t…yet. But I’m working toward it.