Tag Archives: 20000 Days and Counting

Whose life am I going to brighten today?

Whose life am I going to brighten today?

Brighten someone's day! (1)

Well. What do you think? Can you ask this of yourself every day? Can you think of people who may need to see a brighter day?

I guess starting the day thinking about the people we’ll encounter throughout the day is a good place to start.

What does your schedule look like today?

Who will you encounter?

If today is a “normal” work day for you, the people should be easy to identify. For me, the receptionist, the sales staff, the service department, etc. These are the people I see every day. I usually don’t give it much thought. I say hi to them each morning. I interact with them daily. But, do I bring anything to the table to brighten their day? Do I make an effort to share some light with them?

Or, do I simply grumble and mumble my daily greeting and continue on with the day?

What does it look like to “brighten” the day of those around you?

Some of us probably need to raise our heads a bit more. Move away from the computer screen. Use the swivel feature in your neck.

Try it a minute. Move your head from side-to-side. Try up and down too.

If you’re like me, the side-to-side and up movements are the ones needing the most practice.

How about those eyes? Amazingly, they move too.

Combining the neck features and the eye features to look at the people around you are probably the simplest things we can do to brighten the lives of those around us.

Now for the really hard part.

Opening your mouth and speaking appropriate words!

Yes, I said “appropriate” words.

Instead of the usual “grumble and mumble” of your day, what change would take place with the use of encouraging and brightening words?

I know this seems like hard work.

All the effort may impact your own day.

In fact, I hope it does impact your day. I hope it impacts your day in a positive way!

Here’s your task: Intentionally attempt to brighten the day of a few people around you.

Let us know how it goes. I’ll certainly let you know how it goes on my end.


This post is one in a series of posts centered around the “7 Questions Guaranteed to Create Intensity in Your Day” found in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.

Seven Questions

Over the next few weeks I’ll be writing a series of posts based on the ideas presented by Robert D. Smith in his book “20,000 Days and Counting: The Crash Course for Mastering Your Life Right Now”.  Specifically, I’ll be writing about the seven questions he offers as a way to “seize the essence of the day” and create intensity in your day.

Here are the seven questions:
1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?
2. What three things am I most grateful for today?
3. What memories am I going to create today?
4. What challenge am I going to create today?
5. What value am I going to create today?
6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?
7. What life-changing decision(s) am I going to make today?
BONUS!!! What question am I not asking yet today?

In his book, Robert encourages the reader to review these questions every morning. Every single morning. Look at them as brand new questions for a brand new day.

I’ll be spending more than one day to go over the questions here on the blog, but I’m beginning to look at these questions every morning. I suggest you do the same. As I present each question in a separate post, let’s have a discussion about each question and the collection as a whole.

The first question will be in a post tomorrow. Wednesday, November 11.

I look forward to learning with you and seizing each new day!


20,000 Days and Counting

Here’s a peek into the next few weeks of posts on the blog.


I’ll be writing about the ideas in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.
Specifically these 7 questions.

7 Questions Guaranteed To Create Intensity In Your Day
1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?
2. What three things am I most grateful for today?
3. What memories am I going to create today?
4. What challenge am I going to overcome today?
5. What value am I going to create today?
6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?
7. What life changing decision(s) am I going to make today?
BONUS: What question am I not asking yet today?

If you want to read the book before I begin posting, hustle up and grab it here:

20,000 Days and Counting: The Crash Course for Mastering Your Life Right Now

It all begins November 11, 2015!