Tag Archives: LISTEN

Step Out of The Boat

From, The Circle Maker, by Mark Batterson

Page 117
“The key to getting out of the boat is hearing the voice of God. If you’re going to get out of the boat in the middle of a lake in the middle of the night, you better make sure that Jesus said, ‘Come.’ But if Jesus says, ‘Come,’ you better not stay in the boat.”


I often comment to people who are trying to make decisions with the phrase, “Step out of the boat.” As I read the way Batterson comments on stepping out of the boat, I wonder if I should ever say it again. I need to evaluate what it really means to step out of the boat.

The easy assumption is that the phrase is calling people to be bold in their decision to do something. It’s probably time to precede the statement with, “Is Jesus truly calling to you?” If the answer is yes, “Step out of the boat!”

I know the idea of being bold for God, and being bold in our actions is applauded and encouraged by our society. But, as I read, and re-read, Batterson’s words, I’m thinking more time should be spent on intently listening for the still, small voice of God. Listening isn’t something I’m really good at, yet. It is something I can practice. I can develop a strong listening muscle. So can you. It takes time. It takes practice. It means being intentional with our time with God.

Right now I don’t have a developed habit of listening to God. I don’t have a developed habit of spending time with God. There have been starts and stops over the years, and more recently I have started again. Similar to physical exercise, the habit needs to be formed over time. There will probably be pain. There will be days I don’t want to make the effort. But, I know I will benefit from developing the habit.

Is there a time you stepped out of the boat? Did you listen first, or did you just take a leap? Have you developed a habit of listening for his voice?

One Word

A few days ago I sent out a tweet asking some friends, “What should be my #oneword for 2014?” Instead of making the traditional “resolutions”, I want to select a word to focus on for the year.

My Friends, Practicing My Word

My Friends, Practicing My Word

Here are some of the suggestions offered by my friends in response to my tweet:
Faith (in yourself and God)
Soon J

One friend emphasized that no matter the word I choose, “walk in it boldly!” Good point. To focus on one word for 12 months, one should certainly be bold about it. This also reminded me to choose wisely.

One word for the year is a big deal.

For the last 8 months or so of 2013 I attempted to focus on the word “intentional”. My life was turned upside down at the end of April. (You can read about that HERE.) I needed to work on some major changes in my daily life. I’m sure I’ll continue to focus on being intentional in 2014, but I’m at a place to add on to it and grow more as well.

While I pondered my “word” and read the responses to my tweet, I was also reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff. As the tweets came in, I was reading Chapter 21. The chapter title is “Hearing Aid.” As I read, and as the tweets came in, one word continued to roll around in my head.


I thought about the word for a few days. Would it work as a word to focus on for the year? What does it mean? Can it encompass multiple aspects to help create movement in my soul?

In his chapter “Hearing Aid”, Bob writes about “selective hearing” (married folks, you know what he means). He also writes about how we often have selective hearing when it comes to God speaking to us. Are we being lazy? Not trying to determine what God is saying to us? Do we need to listen harder with our heart?

I’ve been in that situation. Listening with my heart was not happening. At some point this past summer I realized I wasn’t listening, or living, with my heart. (You can read about it HERE.) As I intentionally searched my head and heart, I began to discover I was lacking quite a bit when it came to my heart.

Now as I look to 2014, I’m going to be intentional with my listening. I believe I can learn how to listen. Not only listen to God, but also to everyone around me.

Wife, Sons, Family, Friends, Co-workers, Mentors, Ministers, God

As for the words offered by my friends in response to my tweet, I’ll use them too. I believe each of those words ties in well with “LISTEN”. Over the coming months I’ll write about each of those words and how they have worked in conjunction with listening.

Here we go! Happy New Year! I’m ready to “LISTEN”!

What word did you select for 2014? Share it in the comments. Join the conversation.