Tag Archives: Plans

Hospitals, Holidays, and Plans

It has been a week. A long and tiring week. I wasn’t feeling the greatest due to an extreme amount of tree pollen in the air, in my nose, in my eyes, etc. It seems particularly bad this year. I usually don’t have this much trouble with allergies until later in the year when the ragweed begins to bloom. But, my allergy issues aren’t really a problem when you consider what happened to my 15-year-old son.

Around noon on Friday he texted me to tell me he wasn’t feeling well. “My stomach hurts.” I told him to try to make it a couple of more hours to the end of the school day. No such luck. Within the hour he was in the school office and I was calling his older brother to pick him up and bring him home.

Long story short, he ended up in the hospital with appendicitis. Saturday afternoon his appendix was removed, and Sunday afternoon we were all back home. He didn’t sleep well (obviously), I didn’t sleep well, my wife didn’t sleep well.


What a weekend.

Thank goodness it was a holiday weekend. We all had an extra day to recover. And for a bonus, I had Tuesday off.

Friday morning I commented to a few people about having four days off and absolutely no plans!


Friday afternoon I began scribbling down a few ideas of what I’d like to accomplish over the four days. Oh well. We make plans. God chuckles. We adjust.

No yard work. No writing. No organizing the house.

I was able to read quite a bit.

While in the hospital we watched a few movies too. Not my ideal way to spend time, but it was relaxing.

I’m now looking forward to the next week or so, as school finishes for the year, and we can plan some activities as a family.

We’ll make our plans. God will chuckle. We’ll adjust.

Have a great week my friends!