Tag Archives: Robert D. Smith

Whose life am I going to brighten today?

Whose life am I going to brighten today?

Brighten someone's day! (1)

Well. What do you think? Can you ask this of yourself every day? Can you think of people who may need to see a brighter day?

I guess starting the day thinking about the people we’ll encounter throughout the day is a good place to start.

What does your schedule look like today?

Who will you encounter?

If today is a “normal” work day for you, the people should be easy to identify. For me, the receptionist, the sales staff, the service department, etc. These are the people I see every day. I usually don’t give it much thought. I say hi to them each morning. I interact with them daily. But, do I bring anything to the table to brighten their day? Do I make an effort to share some light with them?

Or, do I simply grumble and mumble my daily greeting and continue on with the day?

What does it look like to “brighten” the day of those around you?

Some of us probably need to raise our heads a bit more. Move away from the computer screen. Use the swivel feature in your neck.

Try it a minute. Move your head from side-to-side. Try up and down too.

If you’re like me, the side-to-side and up movements are the ones needing the most practice.

How about those eyes? Amazingly, they move too.

Combining the neck features and the eye features to look at the people around you are probably the simplest things we can do to brighten the lives of those around us.

Now for the really hard part.

Opening your mouth and speaking appropriate words!

Yes, I said “appropriate” words.

Instead of the usual “grumble and mumble” of your day, what change would take place with the use of encouraging and brightening words?

I know this seems like hard work.

All the effort may impact your own day.

In fact, I hope it does impact your day. I hope it impacts your day in a positive way!

Here’s your task: Intentionally attempt to brighten the day of a few people around you.

Let us know how it goes. I’ll certainly let you know how it goes on my end.


This post is one in a series of posts centered around the “7 Questions Guaranteed to Create Intensity in Your Day” found in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.

20,000 Days and Counting

Here’s a peek into the next few weeks of posts on the blog.


I’ll be writing about the ideas in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.
Specifically these 7 questions.

7 Questions Guaranteed To Create Intensity In Your Day
1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?
2. What three things am I most grateful for today?
3. What memories am I going to create today?
4. What challenge am I going to overcome today?
5. What value am I going to create today?
6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?
7. What life changing decision(s) am I going to make today?
BONUS: What question am I not asking yet today?

If you want to read the book before I begin posting, hustle up and grab it here:

20,000 Days and Counting: The Crash Course for Mastering Your Life Right Now

It all begins November 11, 2015!

Our Biggest Problem

The biggest problem. It’s huge. What could it be? What do you think it is? There are a myriad of typical answers.

Money is a popular one for many people. “If I only had more money, I’d be able to do this and this and this and that! I’d be able to make my dream of doing this thing come true!”

Time is another common answer. People are obsessed with having enough time to make their dream come true. Mostly people complain about not having enough time. Busy, busy, busy is what we hear.

Another answer is connections. People use the excuse of not having the right connections, the right relationships, to make their dream come true. “If I could become friends with so-and-so, or have coffee with that person, then I’d be able to get this idea moving.”

I don’t want to fully discount any of these three answers, because they all have at least a little validity, but ultimately none of these hold the key.

Photo credit Libby Norcross http://considerthisthought.tumblr.com/

Photo credit Libby Norcross http://considerthisthought.tumblr.com/

What is our biggest problem? What is the “big thing” holding us back from having a great life? What is holding us back from being a success? What is holding us back from fulfilling “The Dream”?

The answer is simple.

What is holding you back? What is holding me back? What is our biggest problem?

Me. You. Us.

Robert D. Smith in his book 20,000 Days and Counting, explains the problem AND the solution very well.

In his book, he explains that one idea can change everything. One very simple idea.

“Become your own problem. Yes, you read that right! This may be tough for you perfectionists, but stay with me. Start thinking, I am the problem. I am the problem. I am the problem. When you do that, you take the outside circumstances and bring the inside. Suddenly, you have power.” (p.61)

You aren’t the victim! You are the solution!

Here’s a sentence I wrote in my notes while reading the book: “If I am the problem, I have the power and control over the problem. Victims are powerless. BEING the problem is empowering!”

I’ve been stuck on this for two years. I had a victim mentality. I thought I would make a great and glorious breakthrough if only those pesky problems would resolve.

I was thinking all wrong. I’m the problem. I’m the problem. I’m the problem.

My current “Big Problem” is getting out of bed early enough in the morning to make use of a couple of hours to read, write, pray, and read the Bible. I’m struggling. I like my pillow. A lot.

And while there are many great plans and suggestions out there to help me solve this problem, deep down I know the answer. I know the answer to the problem because I am the problem.

It’s time to stop being our own biggest problem. It’s time to understand you have a very personal relationship with the problem. Who better to solve the problem than the person with the very best knowledge of the problem?

See? Simple. I am the problem.

What is your problem? What excuses are you telling yourself? What are you going to do about it?