Category Archives: Inspiration

Using My Own Words Against Myself

I screwed up yesterday. I was a terrible husband. I yelled. I hollered. It was stupid. It was pointless. And I knew it. Immediately.


I apologized. She forgave me.

I put my crappy mood to good use. I closed myself in the bedroom and folded the mountain of laundry I had been ignoring. And then I made supper.

But it still hurt even hours later.

This morning I knew what I had to do. It was time to use my own words against myself.

The majority of the post that follows is a re-post from a few months ago.

I need these words today. Maybe you do too.

Please spend some time reading this post. Share it with your spouse. And then go purchase the book.


“To overcome an ordinary marriage, you have to fight for your spouse, not with your spouse.”

Beyond Ordinary: When a Good Marriage Just Isn’t Good Enough

When was the last time you fought FOR your spouse? I’m guessing you fought with your spouse more recently than you fought for your spouse. For some people, me included, the idea of fighting for your spouse is a bit odd. Didn’t I fight for her when I wanted to date her? I assumed I didn’t need to fight for her any longer when we both said “I do” on our wedding day. In this outstanding book, Justin and Trisha Davis try to help us throw this kind of thinking out the window.

The Davis’ have crafted a book to encourage all of us. Whether you are married, single, or divorced, this book will provide you with valuable skills and ideas to improve a marriage and the other relationships in your life. Through the sharing of their personal story of young love, ignorance, assumptions, betrayal, and finally an incredible God blessed renewal, they present the reader with a plan for strength in marriage and relationship.

Personally, this book was a slap in the face. It has served as a wake-up call for me. Convinced of the incredible power in the story and message of this book, I did a couple of things out of the norm for me. The first thing I did was to ask my wife to read the book. When I finished it she was in the middle of an online college class (on top of her full-time job), so only recently did she begin reading it. The second action involved spending some money so I could share the power of the message. I haven’t kept exact count, but I believe I’ve given away ten copies of the book. It is that good.

Because I don’t want to tell the whole story of the book, I’m going to keep this review a bit on the vague side. This story needs to be read by you personally. You need to experience it on your own. Please, trust me. You NEED to read this book. Here are a few key passages I highlighted.

“God doesn’t want to improve your marriage; he wants to transform it. God doesn’t want to modify your behavior; he wants to change your heart. Extraordinary comes when you, as a husband or wife, invite God to change you.”

I’ll add one word to the end of that sentence. “…invite God to change you” TOGETHER. God is not calling us to be transformed alone. A marriage isn’t supposed to be ‘alone’ or for individuals. Marriage is meant to be experienced TOGETHER. So many of us live through our marriages alone and on our own. Yes, there are other people in the house, but we are still surviving as individuals. Justin and Trisha share an incredible story. Their story calls us to do our marriage TOGETHER.

You + Your Spouse + God = TOGETHER

Does this quote feel familiar?

“…the success of our marriage was arranged around what we could avoid, rather than loving each other more deeply, knowing each other better, sharing our dreams more, understanding our passions, and growing our intimacy with one another.”

What are you avoiding in your marriage? When was the last time your shared your dream with your spouse? Do you know what inspires passion in your spouse? How about intimacy?

Do you hold anything against your spouse? Or, do you hold anything against yourself that may be keeping you from sharing your full self with your spouse? Read this book.

I am amazed and thankful for the incredible depth of their relationship shared by Justin and Trisha. Extreme sorrow and brokenness are combined with profound joy and transformation. What for all intents and purposes should have ended in incredible sorrow, God saw fit to use for incredible renewal and joy. Get this book. Read it. Use this book to inspire renewal in your life. When you finish it, apply the messages you learned. And then, share it. The Davis’ shared their story as a healing gift for others. I’m going to share mine too. Please join me. Let’s use our stories to improve the lives of those around us.

Visit the Refine Us website to learn more about the Davis’, their journey, and the outstanding resources available to strengthen your marriage.

Do you have a story of pain and renewal as it relates to marriage? Have you experienced incredible, miraculous healing from God in your marriage? I’d love to hear your story. Share your story in the comments, or contact me directly at ricktheule at

Have you screwed up lately? How long did it take for you to regret your words or actions?


I know, I know. Yesterday I told you I would be writing every day for 31 straight days, but I wouldn’t be posting to the blog every day. Well, here we are on Day 2 and I’m posting again.

But this is important.

This is baseball.

Tigers cap with ball

Tonight the Detroit Tigers, MY Detroit Tigers, will begin play against the Baltimore Orioles in the American League Division Series (ALDS). The series is a best of 5. The first two games are in Baltimore, tonight and tomorrow afternoon. The 3rd game will be at Comerica Park in Detroit Sunday afternoon.

If all goes perfectly, which it seldom does, the Tigers will wrap up the ALDS with a win Sunday afternoon.

By now you’re probably wondering what this particular post has to do with my stated intent to Refresh/Encourage/Inspire. I’ll make it easy. Click this link below to the Official MLB site for the Kansas City Royals and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Check out the amazing stories of the long-suffering fans, and the stories of the coaches and players in the dugout during the American League Wildcard game played this past Tuesday. The Royals came back from a deficit to push the game to extra innings. And then, in the bottom of the 12th inning, down by one run, they came back again to win the game. This was the 1st Royals playoff game and playoff win since 1985.

I guarantee you the fans, players, coaches, owners, and employees of the Royals, are Refreshed/Encouraged/Inspired.

Link: Kansas City Royals – MLB 

What has Refreshed/Encouraged/Inspired you this week?


I’m A Failure

I’m a failure.

Take a look at the picture below. What’s wrong? Weeds. Lots and lots of weeds. Ugly and unsightly weeds.

House Weeds 1

The weeds are taking over the flower bed. They are choking out the flowers.

I’ve failed to stay ahead of the weeds.

The same can be said for my writing.

You may have noticed my absence in publishing anything to the blog. In fact, it has been a month since I last posted something here. I can assure it wasn’t for lack of desire to interact with you, my readers. My desire to write over the last month has equaled my desire to take care of the weeds in the flower bed.

Every single day I’ve wanted to spend some time working on the writing.

Every single day I’ve wanted to pull a few weeds.

It hit me yesterday afternoon, as I was pouring with sweat pulling the weeds, that the weeds represented my writing. If I spend a few minutes every day on both, they will remain beautiful to look at and enjoy. Instead, I spent quite a few hours in the yard yesterday attempting to return it to something beautiful to look at.

It was great. It was fun. The weather was perfect for spending the day in the yard. But, it took the whole afternoon. I didn’t have time to do anything else, like writing, or reading, or relaxing in a chair enjoying the view.

Why do we do this to ourselves? We know better. We all know the benefits of spending a few minutes every day working on the yard, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, and multiple other tasks. Yet we let the dishes sit until the counter is no longer visible and we have to clean one bowl for our cereal in the morning.

So, I’m a failure.

But, I have time to change. I can become a success. My yard can look outstanding! I can write a few thousand words every week.

I don’t have to let my perfectionist tendencies keep me from starting. I believe the key for most of us is to work a little bit every single day.

House No Weeds 2 House No Weeds 1

Maybe next time I’ll tell you about the boulder you see sitting on the sidewalk. It needs to be moved. It’s heavy. It may or may not be a good representation of my book.

What do you need to weed?