Man Praying


Man. What is a man? What does God say about me as a man? What does society say I should be? What does my wife/kids/parents/siblings/friends/church say?

Over the next few weeks we’ll take a look at a few of these and try to determine where I am, where you are, and where we should be. Ladies don’t feel like you’re being left out. There will be great information for you too.

God calls me to be courageous, bold, daring and decisive. He made men to lead. Adam failed to lead Eve in the Garden. He didn’t step in when Satan deceived Eve. Men, are you stepping in? Women, are you encouraging your men to step in? Keep in mind that Adam was standing right next to Eve at the moment of The Fall.

Genesis 3:6 – “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” (NIV)


I believe God calls me to be a man after His own heart. God wants me to be righteous, pure, full of integrity, bold, courageous, gentle and caring. Teacher. Friend. Lover. Leader. Humble. Patient. Kind. Truthful. Discerning in all areas of life. On fire for the Gospel and willing to share the story of His son Jesus Christ. Provider. Example. Role model.

So I’m called to be all of those things. Can I be all of those things? Is it physically, emotionally, spiritually possible to be “all the things”?

I’m not sure. The positive upbeat “do anything” side of me says “Of course you can!” The other side of me (the realistic side?) says “Impossible. You can’t be perfect.” But, can I be some of these things? Can I be a little bit of ALL of these things?

I think it would be best for me to focus on what God calls me to be. Working toward what God has called me to be should lead me to be the best man possible for all of my roles in life. Thankfully He has already been working on me, molding me, to be the man He desires. He’s also cheering for me. He wants me to be successful! He wants me to become an inspiration for those around me to help them find their personal “awesome”!

I am called to be the team leader for my family. To inspire them, especially my children, to seek out their dream and to do all they can to live that dream.

A few of the steps I need to take to be the man God calls me to be:
1. Pray. Continually. With intent. Name the areas and tasks that need prayer and require growth on my part.

2. Time management. Purposely spend planned time with my wife, with my boys and with my friends. Pour into these people on purpose and with purpose.

3. Filling my own tank. Learning from and being poured into by others. Seek out key people to learn from each day.


Check out this video put out by TheAnimaSeries. And be sure to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out on what comes next.


[youtube id=”aTAn-tk2pDA” height=”353″ width=”574″ marginbottom=”15″]

2 thoughts on “I’M A MAN!

  1. Camilla

    Not so sure God made men to lead 😉 I think you guys would spin in circles without us women. At least when it comes to finding a place refusing to stop and ask for directions. Jokingly aside. Great post! I think both men and women need to work hard at being the best they can be both as individuals and as a team. It’s not easy, it takes work but it’s also rewarding. We were all given talents and tools to succeed. It is up to us to use them. Glad to see you are using yours.

    1. Rick Post author

      Camilla – Agreed. We ALL need to use #allthetalents to the best of our ability. Keep using your’s too! Thanks for visiting my sandbox.


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