Tag Archives: Family

Marbles and Weekends

I began writing this post in September of 2013. Yep. 18 months ago. Sometimes ideas and thoughts and words need time to stew and percolate. Either that or I’ve been avoiding finishing it because of the sobering reality it always throws in my face.

What I do know is I’ve spent more intentional time with my sons since I began writing this so many months ago. And THAT is the whole point!

Right now you’re thinking, “What the heck is Rick talking about?”

Okay. To the point.

Bernice and Boys at Petosky State Park

On a September weekend in 2013 I had the incredible privilege of attending a conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference was put on by Jon Acuff in conjunction with his recently released book START.

The key part of the weekend as it relates to this article, was when Reggie Joiner stepped on the stage and proceeded to blow me away. He made me cry. His message that day was about how many weekends we have with our children. His premise was that we have approximately 936 weekends with our kids from the time they are born until the time they leave our home.

936 weekends from birth to age 18.

He used a huge jar of marbles as a visual aid. 936 marbles in a jar to represent 936 weekends. And then he began tossing them out. Slowly at first, and then faster. Marbles were rolling all over the stage, onto the floor, and into the crowd.

And then it hit me.

On that day the marbles remaining in the jars representing my boys looked like this:

Noah = 87
Jared = 243

The marble jars for my boys were almost empty.

I cried right there in my seat.

The number I used is the number of weekends until high school graduation.

Fast forward to today. The number of marbles has changed. Now they look like this:

Noah = 8!!!!!!!!
Jared = 164

EIGHT!!!???? Whoa!

But you know what? Since that day when the numbers were 87 and 243, I’ve spent more intentional time with each of them (and my wife). I have thoroughly enjoyed these weeks, and I will relish the next 8 and 164.

I love my boys. They know it. That will never change. But since that day in September of 2013, when Reggie Joiner made me cry at a conference, I’ve tried hard to show it as well. And I’m going to keep showing it.

Just because they graduate from high school, turn 18, leave the house, etc, I don’t have to stop loving them and spending time with them. My life with them isn’t over. In some ways it has barely begun. I have so much more to teach them. I have so much more I can learn from them.

I’m excited about all the weekends (and weekdays) to come. Imagine the great experiences we can have together. Imagine the conversations we get to have with each other!

Exactly what the future holds is unknown. But one thing I know for sure.

I get to spend it with my boys!

image  image Noah Jared Chicago October 2014 Mission trip




I Am Second

I’ve been wearing this wrist band for a few weeks.



Recently I’ve had a few people ask me to explain the meaning. It would seem to be obvious, but apparently not so. “I Am Second” means I’m second to Jesus Christ. He is first in my life. He is first in my marriage. He is first in my business dealings.

At least he should be first. And that is why I wear the wrist band.

Shouldn’t placing Jesus first come as second nature to a Christian? Yes. Yes it should.

Then why the need for the wrist band reminder? I need the reminder because I am fallen. Is it a crutch? Yep. And it is one I’ll gladly take with me every day if I need to.

The “I Am Second” movement has pushed me to improve my relationship with Jesus Christ. It has pushed me to improve my relationship with my spouse. It has pushed me to improve my relationship with my children.

The one sentence description of the “I Am Second” movement is this: “Inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others.”

Inspire. The word is on the header of this page. Through writing and speaking I am looking to Refresh, Encourage and INSPIRE others. To inspire YOU!

This movement inspired me to send this text to my wife: “I am convinced I need to do so much more in our marriage and lean on God and trust him for everything. I love you.”

Her response? “Wow! Love you too! What are you worried about?”

I’m not worried about anything. But, I have a desire for a better, more intimate, more Godly, marriage.

My wife and I have been married for over 20 years. Very few times during our marriage have we felt our marriage is strong and beneficial to each other, let alone others. I want this to change. I want to work on strengthening our marriage. The “I Am Second” movement will help us along the way.

The “I Am Second” movement isn’t limited to helping people in their marriage. In fact, I believe it to be a by-product of the movement.

As I mentioned earlier, the movement is all about inspiring people to live for God. I strongly recommend you check out the site (link below). Inspiration and encouragement can be found in every video. Trust me. You’ll find one that will connect with you on some level. Maybe you’ll connect with one you aren’t even expecting you need. I did.

Here’s one specific video I watch frequently.

[youtube id=”k9ZcN_6wzp8″]

Join the conversation in the comments below.
Are you second? Have you been living your life as “Second”?

Here’s a link to the full site.




Speaking in Tulsa

The weekend of June 20-21, 2014 I had the distinct pleasure of standing on a stage for the 1st time to speak a portion of my story to a group of people. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to speaking again, and doing it better. Each time is a learning experience for me, similar in many ways to writing and blogging. Thanks for taking the time to watch and listen. Have a blessed day!

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