Tag Archives: #Next3Decades

I’m Writing A Book

Yep. You read it correctly. I’m. Writing. A. Book.

If fact, I’m planning to write more than one book. For now though, we’ll focus on the first book.

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As most of you know, my life changed last year when I was let go from my job. The time off helped me realize I was limiting myself. I was solely focused on work. A deep down love of writing came to the surface during my brief time off from employment. I love to write. And now, I have something to say.

This first book has been pushing itself to the surface for months. I’ve tried to ignore it while sketching out a plan for a different book, but this book is quite pushy. It needs to be first. It needs to see the light of day before I go on to the next one (which was going to be first).

What is so very important it can’t wait to be published? Encouragement. Inspiration. Filling people up. Pouring myself into others in order to bless them and encourage them in their every day lives and in their Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG)!

Here are a couple of topics I plan to cover:

  • Don’t pick the people to fill, simply work on emptying what I’ve been given.
  • How do I fill my own cup so I have more to pour out? i.e. Refilling my cup
  • Encouragement includes planting seeds you may not see grow to maturity.
  • Can you encourage, inspire, refresh, pour into others through social media? Twitter, FB, Pinterest, Blogging, etc.? Or, are these solely “in person” activities?

What are your thoughts on the topic? Opinions?

I look forward to hearing from you. I may even ask to use your thoughts in the book.

Now for some accountability.

My target date for publishing this book is January 1, 2015. While I’m sure you all have an opinion on the time frame I’m presenting, I’m not looking for your opinion. But, I’d love to have your support. Some days I am freaked out by the lack of time with which I’ve presented myself. Other days, when the words are flowing freely, I believe it’ll be a breeze to finish up by New Year’s Day. I’d love your support to keep me accountable. I’m not sure how I’ll gather your encouragement. Maybe through email with a select few, maybe with a closed Facebook group, but I really do want to hear from you along the way.

Keep your eyes on this site, and if you’d like, leave a comment in this post telling me you’d be interested in a more personal involvement in seeing this project come to fruition.

Thanks for all your support so far! Here we go!!

The Simplicity Project

“Win Your Battle With Chaos & Clutter So You Can Live a Life of Peace & Purpose” Wow. Sign me up! That seems like a big boast doesn’t it? Well, after reading through this new book by Corie Clark, I’m convinced it can be accomplished. Planning and being intentional seem to be the key. How many times have you come home at the end of the day only to walk into the house and be greeted by the “stuff” you didn’t put away before you left in the morning? Pick a room. It doesn’t really matter. I’m guessing a majority of us are living our lives just like Corie Clark. Thankfully, Corie wrote this new book to encourage us all that we can win the battle.
Corie covers five areas of potential chaos and clutter, and how to begin the battle toward conquering each of them. The five areas include: 1. Simplifying Your Health 2. Simplifying Your Home 3. Simplifying Your Finances 4. Simplifying Your Time 5. Simplicity Now While each of these five areas are important, the one hitting home the most for me is, well, Home. I love a picked up, not cluttered, home. I, however, do not enjoy being the one to pick up and de-clutter the home. Odd, huh? A neatly organized home brings me peace. It allows me to relax and not obsess over what I should be doing instead of what I am doing. I find I am able to read and write more when the clutter is gone. Here’s one particular quote I like: “If you start to become disciplined in one area, it’s contagious. You begin to feel the sense accomplishment and let it carry over into other area.” True. True. True. I think we all know this, but many time we need a refresher course. Success in one area of life typically leads to success in other areas. “The Simplicity Project” does a great job of simplifying what you and I have probably read in many other books. There is a great 28-Day call to action at the end of the book to help walk you through your personal journey to simplicity. The book also offers bonus content of a private Facebook Group, printable plans to help you through the Project, and a daily email of encouragement. Corie lives a busy life like you and I do. She’s “normal”. Corie is a regular Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sibling, trying to “do life” the best she knows how. And now, she’s written a book to help you and I do the same thing.

Corie Clark

Corie Clark

Click the link below to purchase your own copy. I look forward to hearing how you put the simple, straight forward recommendations of  “The Simplicity Project” to good use. You can follow Corie and learn more from her on her blog at http://corieclark.com/ In the comments, let me know what actions you take in your life (or would like to take) to simplify? #Next3Decades

Speaking in Tulsa

The weekend of June 20-21, 2014 I had the distinct pleasure of standing on a stage for the 1st time to speak a portion of my story to a group of people. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to speaking again, and doing it better. Each time is a learning experience for me, similar in many ways to writing and blogging. Thanks for taking the time to watch and listen. Have a blessed day!

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