Tag Archives: Jon Acuff

1st Day Of The Month

Today is October 1, 2014. It is a momentous day! So many good things have happened on October 1st and this year is no different.

Image credit: Kevin Buchanan

Image credit: Kevin Buchanan

Some October 1st history (in no particular order):

1908 – Henry Ford introduces the Model T. Price tag? $825

1970 – My friend Jeff Baar is born. I grew up with Jeff. Our houses were back-to-back. We were out in the back yard every day. Both of our parents still live in those houses.

1938 – Chicago Cubs clinch the pennant. (I know. I was shocked too.)

1880 – John Philip Sousa becomes Director of the Marine Corps Band. (This one is VERY high on my list of great October 1st events!)

1924 – Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States is born. Happy 90th Mr. President!!

1971 – Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens. (Shout out to my friend David Dollar.)

1948 – California Supreme Court voids state statute banning interracial marriages.

1653 – Russian parliament accepts annexation of Ukraine. (Seems to still be an issue.)

1864 – A cyclone strikes Calcutta killing 70,000 people.

And then we come to today. October 1, 2014.

I have two items to add to the list today. Both are important. Both are a bit scary for the people involved. But hey, if we haven’t learned anything else in the last 14+ plus months, we have learned to “Punch fear in the face.” Thank you Jon Acuff.

First (and most certainly not the more important of the two): I’ve committed to writing for 31 days in a row. I have a team of people in the wings to support me (kick me in the rear), and I intend to make this happen. Every. Single. Day. (Yikes) Some people in the group will be posting to their blogs every day. I’m not planning to do that. I will be posting every Wednesday, and I may post a few other random times. We’ll see what happens.

On the days I don’t post here on the blog, I’ll be sending my writing to my designated butt-kicker. Should we put an over/under on how many days I can go before she has to kick me? Most of my writing will be focused on my book. It needs a kick in the rear. Writing EVERY day for 31 days should do the trick.

Secondly, and BY FAR more important: My cousin, Larissa Theule, is releasing her 1st book!! Here’s the link! Click it! Do it! You know you want to. Go buy it and make her day!

Fat & Bones: And Other Stories (Fiction – Middle Grade)

On Reading and Learning

I take notes when I read books. Not every book, but most. I try to read for pure enjoyment sometimes, but even then I find myself taking a few notes.

One book I recently finished is Jon Acuff’s new book Start. I took 12 pages of notes. Some of you may think I’m nuts. That’s fine. My feeling on taking notes goes something like this: “Why read something if I don’t plan to take something from it to improve my life?” Hence, I take notes.

When I’m finished with the book, I review the notes. Then I make notes on my notes. Here are my notes on the notes from Start.


Action Points / Steps To Take

  1. What is my passion? Inspiration?
  2. Discover/uncover what inspires my wife and boys.
  3. Sing.
  4. Serve. Help others.
  5. Awesome is taking the detour in your day and enjoying the change of path it is taking you on.
  6. Be brutally realistic about your present and dream honestly.
  7. Forget about spending time “finding” your purpose. “Live” your purpose today. Start! Take the step. Open the door and walk through it.
  8. Gather trusted advisors. Stand on their shoulders.
  9. Document your voices. Share your voices. Share your fear and doubt.
  10. Be selfish at the appropriate time of the day. Claim your time, not others.


So now you’re asking what I did with the notes on the notes. Did I follow through on any of the 10 points? Yep. Every day I’m working on these points. Sometimes I need reminders though.

Also, writing this post ties into #7. I’m still working on all of these, but today is a new day, and I’m “punching fear in the face”.

Q: What actions do you take to remember and learn from the books you read? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for joining the conversation.

(This post originally published on August 12, 2013 on https://ricktheule.com.)


Speaking in Tulsa

The weekend of June 20-21, 2014 I had the distinct pleasure of standing on a stage for the 1st time to speak a portion of my story to a group of people. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to speaking again, and doing it better. Each time is a learning experience for me, similar in many ways to writing and blogging. Thanks for taking the time to watch and listen. Have a blessed day!

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