Tag Archives: Jon Acuff

I Was Fired

It was the worst day. It was also the best day.

[youtube id=”sH6unNljq7E?t=2m22s” height=”200″ width=”400″]
(Skip to 2:22 for the important point I’d like to make with this clip. Or, watch the whole thing because it’s very funny.)

One year ago today, April 30, 2013, I was fired. These words ended my 16 year career with the company: “Today is your last day with us. We are letting you go.” Just like that, I was unemployed.

Wow. Shock. Total and complete shock. I cleaned out my desk like I was in a trance. On my way home, I called my wife. I was crying so hard it was difficult for her to understand what I was saying. (Thank goodness for hands free technology. I could talk, wipe tears, and drive all at the same time.)

I could spend more time sharing the emotions I was being bombarded with during those first few days (worst days), but I’d rather share more about the many days since the shock wore off (best days).

Some may want to ask “How can the same day be the ‘worst’ and the ‘best’?” Easy. Go back and watch the clip from City Slickers again.

The feelings of it being the ‘worst’ day wore off quickly. They did resurface occasionally, but not often.

The feelings of it being the ‘best’ day arrived quickly and have remained. I often tell people the ‘best’ day feelings first showed up within a couple of hours of being let go.

I knew. I knew deep down in my heart. God knew for years. I didn’t feel His gentle nudging. Multiple times, over the course of a number of years, I was blind to His desire for me to leave. So what did He do? He got me fired. I wouldn’t walk out the door on my own, so God shoved me out. He didn’t pull me out, or lead me out with His arm around my shoulders. He placed His foot on my rear and booted me out the door.

It was a Tuesday. 4:30 in the afternoon.


Almost every Friday morning I have breakfast with two friends. Somehow my sudden unemployment became the topic of discussion when we met the Friday after I was fired. My friend Duane recommended a book he had heard about. The timing was perfect. Within a few days I had the recently released, New York Times Best-Selling book, Start in my hands.

God booted me out the door. My friend made a recommendation. Jon Acuff was there to help me START.

Some people may be tempted to call this an Anniversary. I typically associate anniversaries with happy occasions. Getting fired is most certainly NOT a happy occasion.

However, the past year has most definitely been a happy occasion.

I now work 40 hours a week instead of 60-65 hours.

I spend time with my teenage sons.

I’m nicer to my family.

I enjoy life.

I’m reconnecting with my beautiful wife.

I’m dreaming.

I’m building.

I weigh less. (And I’m still going down.)

I’m healthier. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

I’m growing closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I’m writing this blog.

I’m writing a book (or two).

I’m preparing to speak in front of a crowd at a conference in Tulsa in June. (Launch Out)

It was the worst day. It was the BEST day.

Here’s to the #Next3Decades!

Something, something, about something

Falling Deception Pass, WA


A few weeks ago I posted about being STUCK. I experienced a release of words. The words had been accumulating in my mind for weeks. I spit them out.

Now what?

Keep going? You bet.

One lesson I learned through the brief period of no words is the need to continue. Writing begets writing. A body in motion stays in motion. So I continue to write. The writing does not need to be brilliant (even if I want it to be). My words need to leave my head. Create, create, create. Keep moving and exercising the brain muscle.

I read quite a few blogs published by professional writers. They blog on a variety of topics, but one thing they have in common is they post on “how” to write. They are very generous with the supposed secrets of their craft. There really aren’t any secrets. Most of the information shared by them has been shared with them at one time or another. Now I’m going to lean on them, use them, learn from them, and write. Sooner or later my writing will improve. My writing “voice” will be refined. My message will come into focus. Jon, Jeff, Andy, Michele,…………..thank you!

What am I writing about?

I’m glad you asked.

You name it. I’ll write about it. For me, right now, the topic doesn’t necessarily matter so much as the actual practice of writing. A few topics rolling around in my head, and scribbled in way too many places (yes, I need to learn to use one system) include Baseball, Communion (The Lord’s Supper), Masculinity, Selling, Family, Community, Depression (specifically as it relates to men), etc.

There are plenty of topics available to me. Now is the time for me to be bold, create something, and hit the pesky “Publish” button.

As I post more often, I’d love for you to participate. Leave comments. Ask questions. Help me define my message and find my voice. Go back through my small collection of posts and ask me questions about what I’ve written. Please.

As I sit here writing this morning, I’m also have a text conversation with one of you. I’ve been given one more great prompt for writing. “Who” As in, “Who am I writing for?” What a great question!

So there you have it friends.

Thanks so much for your continual encouragement.

Thank you for your honest opinions.

I’m excited for the #Next3Decades!

Pardon me, but do you have (the) time?

Time. Tick tock.
How may seconds in your day?

Now that it is Day 28, I have discovered that we all have plenty of time available. We waste most of it.
I recently read somewhere (I apologize for not remembering where so as to provide the appropriate credit), that a typical worker in a typical work setting is only effective during the first 5 hours or so of the day.

No matter how hard we try, we aren’t 100% productive. It is impossible for us as less than perfect beings, to be 100% productive. We lose focus. We get tired (no matter how many cups of Starbucks, shots of 5-Hour Energy, cans of Monster or Cocoa-Cola we throw down).

We are lazy. Yep I said it. I admit it. I’m lazy.

I want to be awesome. All the time. But, I’m lazy. I don’t use all of my available time to work toward being more awesome. I probably need to convince myself that I won’t EVER be awesome all the time. Eh, take out the work “probably”. I need to come to grips with my imperfection. I believe we all understand that we aren’t perfect. We all know it is impossible for us, as fallen humans, to be perfect. So, why can’t we allow ourselves to be okay with the fact that we can’t do it all. We can’t be awesome all of the time.

Can we try to move toward being more awesome? You bet!

If you’re like me you want to do it all at once. “I’m going to be perfect today!” “I’m going to make effective use of every single minute of my day!”

By about 6:30am we’ve blown it. At least I have. You may get a bit further into your day than me.

Jon Acuff, author of the great new book “Start”, and creator of the blog “Stuff Christians Like”  (www.jonacuff.com/stuffchristanslike), has a couple of great suggestions to grab back some of the time we blow off and waste each and every day. ( I posted the link below.)

1. Work more.
Yep. We all get that one. A couple of more hours of focus each day.

2. Watch less TV.
What?! No way! I have to watch my shows! I can’t miss the baseball/hockey/football/soccer/basketball/golf game.

By far the easiest way for me to grab so more time from each and every day to work toward be more awesome, is to shut off the TV more often.

Last night I wanted to watch the Red Wings game. Game 6. “We” have the Blackhawks down 3-2. Series clinching game!

I didn’t see it.

My wife, bless her, insisted on watching something she wanted to watch. I could have gone to the other TV. Watched the hockey game all alone. I didn’t. I also didn’t really watch what she wanted to see. I stayed in the same room with her. I like to be around her. But, I read a book instead. I spent time with my wife (at least in the same room), and I took time to be more awesome by reading a book for the fun of it. I’m actually reading a book for enjoyment. Novel concept for many of us. The hockey game still went on without me. The Wings lost. (Game 7 coming up!!!!)

So, do you have (the) time?
