Tag Archives: LISTEN

I Was Listening This Time

I Was Listening This Time!

This time, when God spoke to me about my job, I was listening.

This is something different for me.

It didn’t take a shocking dismissal, and a boot to my rear, to understand what God wanted for me this time.

In 2013 when I was fired from my job, it was God firmly placing his boot on my rear and moving me swiftly out the door. I like this new approach much better.

I’m still a bit in shock at the speed this new opportunity arrived, but I’m not shocked that I was ready to hear him telling me what to do.

Why? This time I was praying.

I was in conversation with God about his plans for me. I had heeded my own words of encouragement. I had been listening for his words.

He spoke to me. He directed me to this opportunity.

-Do not despisethese small beginnings,for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.-

I’m thankful my relationship with God is a bit more conversational now than it has been in the past. I can’t say I listen to him as intently as I’d like, but improvement is certainly happening. It’s a day-to-day, week-to-week, kind of growth.

The closer relationship I have with God is evident to me through my prayer life. It is a more frequent conversation I’m having with him.

I had been talking with him for a few weeks about my income. The discussion was mostly along the lines of me asking for a big breakthrough with the voice acting I’ve been doing. Something was right around the corner. I could feel it. I also felt my writing was about to provide fruit through the freelance jobs I had been seeking. But he had a different plan.

Isn’t that like him? We ask for something, thinking about how it will come about, and he answers it in a different manner.

That’s what I get for listening.

And I’m grateful for it.



Do you want to learn more about listening to God? Do you want to have a better, more frequent, conversation with him?

Starting September 1, 2016, I’ll be leading a group through an online reading/discussion/study of Mark Batterson’s book “Draw The Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge”. This 40 day study is based on Mark’s incredible book, “The Circle Maker”.

I previously led this study during Lent in 2015. It was transforming for many people, including me. The group is forming on Facebook. This is your invite to join us. Here’s a link to the group: 40 Day Prayer Challenge Facebook Group

If you have ANY questions about it, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email, phone, Facebook Messenger, etc.

I’m excited to begin!

Email: rick@ricktheule.com

Draw the Circle

Humble Yourself

  • The words on the popsicle stick: “For God to use me the way HE wants.”


    For me to leave my safe and comfortable career in car sales took a huge leap of faith. After I was fired from my job in 2013, I thought I was beginning to listen to God. I may have been for a bit, but I really wasn’t truly listening. And then during Lent in 2015, I really began listening. I couldn’t help but listen. He forced me to listen. Through the rest of the year I struggled against what I thought God was calling me to do. And then when the decision was made to step away and go into this new adventure, I really thought I was in tune with his will for me. Yet, I found out I wasn’t. So, the words on the popsicle stick are vital to me. I walked into this new adventure because I thought He told me to. What he was really saying was, “Leave your job, and follow me.” I did the first part. The second part? Not so much. Now over 6 months into this new adventure, I’ve yet to set aside the time to properly seek what He truly wants me to do. I’ve still been fooling myself thinking it is Voice Over and Writing and Speaking. It may well be those things, in part, but the whole is not those things. He has something planned for me. I need to be still, search, listen, and obey. What I’ve been doing so far may very well be leading me to my true calling, but I need to remain in tune with Him for direction. And while my wife and I planned for this, it is hard. We are getting to the end of the funds. And maybe that’s what He wants. When the money isn’t there, we all tend to FINALLY put our full dependence on Him. So now you know. Even through all the listening and leaping, I still need to humble myself and be patient. I need to wait on the Lord.


    Thank you so much to my friend, Michele, for handing me a popsicle stick at the Launch Out Conference in Atlanta in April.

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Listen for the Whisper

“The answers come as whispers that you’ll never hear while standing in the chaos.”
– Chris Holmes


Answers Whispers Chris Holmes

Spend some time listening this weekend.

Be still.

Remove yourself from the chaos.

Calm your mind.

Listen for the whisper.


Follow my friend Chris Holmes for more inspiration and encouragement.



And don’t miss out on his book! Available on Amazon!

Note To Myself: Thoughts to Encourage and Challenge (Volume 1)