What three things am I most grateful for today?

What three things am I most grateful for today?

Grateful (2)


Three things?

Some of you are concerned you can’t come up with three.

Others of you are thinking, “Only three?”

My attitude towards this question revolves around how intentional I can be every day.

As we continue looking at “7 Questions Guaranteed to Create Intensity in Your Day”, this one generally falls in the very easy or very hard category. Nothing in between.

I believe how we begin our day, and maybe even how we ended the previous day, puts us on the path to “very easy” or “very hard” for this question. By intentionally taking time to even think about this question at the start of the day, I believe we can find multiple reasons to be grateful.

But, don’t miss one key word in the question: MOST

What three things are you most grateful for today?

This will certainly vary from person to person.

I also suspect it will vary from day-to-day.

As I think about what I am most grateful for, I keep coming back to the simple fact of being alive. I’m here on earth for another day. For that I am grateful. (But what am I going to do with it?) Each day I have is special. Each day is unique. It really is.

You may think each day is the same, only altered by the weekend, but take a moment. Think about each of the last few days. Make a quick list of what was different in each.

Here’s a quick list I made: Sunshine/rain, incredible cup of coffee, a full tank of gas, a job, family, etc.

Those are pretty easy, and simple.

Let’s get back to the word “most” we mentioned earlier.

For me, “most grateful” looks like the great hug I received from my oldest son. It also looks like the blessing of a great group of friends I interact with on a daily basis (internet friends most certainly count here).

Most of all, I’m grateful every single day for Jesus.

I know, I know! It sounds like the Sunday School answer! You know what I mean. The correct answer to EVERY question in Sunday School is JESUS!

But I’m serious.

Every single day I’m most grateful for what Jesus did for me. If I can begin each day remembering to be grateful for his saving grace, I can’t help but have a grateful filled day.

How about you? What three things are you most grateful for today?



This post is one in a series of posts centered around the “7 Questions Guaranteed to Create Intensity in Your Day” found in the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith. (Find the 1st post HERE.)

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