Tag Archives: Launch Out

Humble Yourself

  • The words on the popsicle stick: “For God to use me the way HE wants.”


    For me to leave my safe and comfortable career in car sales took a huge leap of faith. After I was fired from my job in 2013, I thought I was beginning to listen to God. I may have been for a bit, but I really wasn’t truly listening. And then during Lent in 2015, I really began listening. I couldn’t help but listen. He forced me to listen. Through the rest of the year I struggled against what I thought God was calling me to do. And then when the decision was made to step away and go into this new adventure, I really thought I was in tune with his will for me. Yet, I found out I wasn’t. So, the words on the popsicle stick are vital to me. I walked into this new adventure because I thought He told me to. What he was really saying was, “Leave your job, and follow me.” I did the first part. The second part? Not so much. Now over 6 months into this new adventure, I’ve yet to set aside the time to properly seek what He truly wants me to do. I’ve still been fooling myself thinking it is Voice Over and Writing and Speaking. It may well be those things, in part, but the whole is not those things. He has something planned for me. I need to be still, search, listen, and obey. What I’ve been doing so far may very well be leading me to my true calling, but I need to remain in tune with Him for direction. And while my wife and I planned for this, it is hard. We are getting to the end of the funds. And maybe that’s what He wants. When the money isn’t there, we all tend to FINALLY put our full dependence on Him. So now you know. Even through all the listening and leaping, I still need to humble myself and be patient. I need to wait on the Lord.


    Thank you so much to my friend, Michele, for handing me a popsicle stick at the Launch Out Conference in Atlanta in April.

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Speaking in Tulsa

The weekend of June 20-21, 2014 I had the distinct pleasure of standing on a stage for the 1st time to speak a portion of my story to a group of people. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to speaking again, and doing it better. Each time is a learning experience for me, similar in many ways to writing and blogging. Thanks for taking the time to watch and listen. Have a blessed day!

Launch Out

I Was Fired

It was the worst day. It was also the best day.

[youtube id=”sH6unNljq7E?t=2m22s” height=”200″ width=”400″]
(Skip to 2:22 for the important point I’d like to make with this clip. Or, watch the whole thing because it’s very funny.)

One year ago today, April 30, 2013, I was fired. These words ended my 16 year career with the company: “Today is your last day with us. We are letting you go.” Just like that, I was unemployed.

Wow. Shock. Total and complete shock. I cleaned out my desk like I was in a trance. On my way home, I called my wife. I was crying so hard it was difficult for her to understand what I was saying. (Thank goodness for hands free technology. I could talk, wipe tears, and drive all at the same time.)

I could spend more time sharing the emotions I was being bombarded with during those first few days (worst days), but I’d rather share more about the many days since the shock wore off (best days).

Some may want to ask “How can the same day be the ‘worst’ and the ‘best’?” Easy. Go back and watch the clip from City Slickers again.

The feelings of it being the ‘worst’ day wore off quickly. They did resurface occasionally, but not often.

The feelings of it being the ‘best’ day arrived quickly and have remained. I often tell people the ‘best’ day feelings first showed up within a couple of hours of being let go.

I knew. I knew deep down in my heart. God knew for years. I didn’t feel His gentle nudging. Multiple times, over the course of a number of years, I was blind to His desire for me to leave. So what did He do? He got me fired. I wouldn’t walk out the door on my own, so God shoved me out. He didn’t pull me out, or lead me out with His arm around my shoulders. He placed His foot on my rear and booted me out the door.

It was a Tuesday. 4:30 in the afternoon.


Almost every Friday morning I have breakfast with two friends. Somehow my sudden unemployment became the topic of discussion when we met the Friday after I was fired. My friend Duane recommended a book he had heard about. The timing was perfect. Within a few days I had the recently released, New York Times Best-Selling book, Start in my hands.

God booted me out the door. My friend made a recommendation. Jon Acuff was there to help me START.

Some people may be tempted to call this an Anniversary. I typically associate anniversaries with happy occasions. Getting fired is most certainly NOT a happy occasion.

However, the past year has most definitely been a happy occasion.

I now work 40 hours a week instead of 60-65 hours.

I spend time with my teenage sons.

I’m nicer to my family.

I enjoy life.

I’m reconnecting with my beautiful wife.

I’m dreaming.

I’m building.

I weigh less. (And I’m still going down.)

I’m healthier. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

I’m growing closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I’m writing this blog.

I’m writing a book (or two).

I’m preparing to speak in front of a crowd at a conference in Tulsa in June. (Launch Out)

It was the worst day. It was the BEST day.

Here’s to the #Next3Decades!