Wake Up!!!!!

Sometimes. Sometimes I really need people to be obvious with me. I mean REALLY obvious.

After 21 years of marriage, I think my wife finally has it figured out. Get my attention first. THEN tell me what you want me to hear.

For me, it’s no different when God is trying to get a point across. I really do need the attention-getting moment before He drops a truth bomb on me.


This is exactly what happened to me recently. I can’t go into the details due to confidentiality and privacy issues, but suffice it to say, He woke me up when I heard some shocking words.

After the shocking words, it dawned on me I’d been failing at praying for a situation in my life. Until this moment I had been floating along as a casual observer.

Now that I’m awake, I’m looking back on all the movement, motions, and actions that have taken place surrounding this particular situation.

I should have been praying long ago.

I really thought the situation didn’t fully involve me. I’m wrong.

Instead of being a casual observer, I need to be an active prayer warrior. There isn’t much else I can do. But praying is certainly be the most important thing I can do.

Has God ever “smacked” you awake to a situation going on all around you?

7 thoughts on “Wake Up!!!!!

  1. Rob Beaudreault

    My slap came as the sound of a diesel engine in my driveway during a downpour last year. Yesterday, it arrived with a simple knock on the door.

    I’m thankful the Lord is working in your life, my friend!


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